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A View On How To Make Sure Your Marketing Works

You can look at different marketers – they seem to do very different things, and still get away with it. It is a fascinating journey where you learn about marketing and how to make sure your marketing works. When you start to understand it, it even gets easier to make the results you want.

Two things are for certain about marketing, your customers:

  • They like it or they don’t
  • They see it or they don’t

By adding some routines you can keep an eye on what’s going on. If you should do all by yourself, your day would be filled with all the tasks you really don’t have to take care of. When you combine what you do with some of the magic of technology you will have more control on how your marketing works. Your job is about making sure they like it and see it. That job gets easier when you add some sort of tracking.

But first: A couple of things will make your marketing better before you get to the step of tracking.


You have to make sure that your content is about what you want to market. When you do your marketing you need to have an idea of what it is you market. It’s also nice to have an idea on how you want to do your marketing


When you know what you market, it’s time to make sure that you market in the right places. If you want to sell your fish, Sahara is probably not where you want to start your marketing. Maybe you get there later, but you have to make sure that your marketing works before you start working in the more challenging areas of your business. What you know something about is always a good place to start.

Daily Tasks

When you do your daily tasks you want people to like what you do. You always have an option:

  1. You can make the content you like, the way you like it, or

  2. You can make the content you know your customers like, the way they like it.

This is maybe one of the major problems many marketers have. At the same time, this is very important for your business. The solution is actually very easy, when you see it. Like everything, it’s easy when you see it, but hard when you don’t. Can you see it?

One rule is above all. It has to be mentioned, you start where you are and that’s your first step to where you want to be. This applies to everything you do in your business. Always start with what you have and work from there.


This is where tracking comes in very handy. By tracking what you do, you see what works and what doesn’t. You keep what works and change what doesn’t and life smiles at you. You can be the best content maker in the world and not be seen. Your hard work will not be recognized, not because it’s bad, just because no one finds it. When you track your content it’s easier to see if you found your audience or not. As long as you know that your content is good, you don’t have to worry so much about the content. Then you focus on how to find the right audience for the right content. Do the necessary search for where they are and make sure that you market in the terms they want to find.

You probably have the answer to the question above. The moment you make your content about what you like in a way you like, you also know where to find the people that likes what you do. They are your primary customers, probably. That is also a good place to start learning about tracking, you get the feel on how things work before you take the step into something bigger and more difficult to target.

If you want to find out more on how I learned about these things and a whole lot more, where you also get weekly trainings on all important parts of marketing. Just fill in your name and email address and you will find everything you need to grow your business to the next level.

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A View On How To Make Sure Your Marketing Works